Monday, October 10, 2011

Still Life Tutorial 07.10.11

I found this tutorial really helpful it was helpful as it made me pinpoint what I wanted to create a still life on. I have decided to look at the idea surrounding Addiction.  Due to my mum becoming disabled in 2009 this has become something that has become the centre of my life. My mum takes thirty tablets a day to mask the pain of her disease. The tablets that she takes are extremely addictive and she could not live without these tablets. I want my still life to show her addiction in a controlled way and not to portray a drug addict who uses drugs to forget about the emotional  pain of their life not the physical pain.
I am going to use strong bright lighting even though this has a dark narrative I want to portray a hospital effect which I am hoping will portray that these tablets are used for medical reasons. I am going to play around with the positing of the tablets but one idea I have is to position  the tablets  in four structured panels to portray how heavily reliant my Mum is on these tablets and that she has to take them at a specific time or else be in extreme pain for the rest of the day. Another idea suggested to me in the tutorial was to use tumblers which are used in hospitals to give out medication. I will probably do a test shot with this idea but I feel it will be too obvious to the viewer and may not portray Addiction but portray sickness.
I am going to create my photograph in a way that Richard Misrach created his Image of the people on the beach where the camera is looking down on the subjects (Below Image). I feel this will work perfectly with my objects as it will make the viewer look at the detail of the objects and hopefully read the message I am trying to portray.

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