Thursday, October 6, 2011

Idea for Still Life Project

After looking at the work of Irving Penn and the still life's he created of cigarettes I decided that I wanted to create a project surrounding the idea of smoking. Smoking has always been a issue that concerns me. Growing up around cigarettes I hated the feeling that I got when I saw my mum smoke and the fact that my nan died from lung caner. Its a if there a slow killer I now call them cancer sticks. Since coming to University I have  found that so many young people smoke why is this? Are more and more people giving in to peer pressure is it the cool thing to do. You would think that people would listen to Health teams. Many old people smoke as back in the 1950s it was cool to smoke as many of the Advertisements showed. The Marlboro man showed living a care free life as a cowboy. The use of the campaign saw sale figures rise by a 300% increase over two years from  1957 the ads lasted until 1999. All of the three man who modelled as the Marlboro man all died of Lung cancer showing  Controversy to the cigarette business. The Below advertising image glamourised the cigarette industry which resulted in the boom of sales.

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