Saturday, October 15, 2011

Ideas for Environment project

I Started off this project by looking at the work of Rut Blees in Luxembourg and looking at the idea of Abandonment of the landscape She specifically looks at the Abandonment of the City something that I am not looking at. I have tried to find artists who look at the neglect of the land. I was unable to find artists and photographers who create this type of work. I have decided to move on and look at Human Intervention on the Landscape. I have found many artists that look at this subject in depth I have found four artists that I especially like and I'm intrigued by their work and how they created it.

Robert Adams

Robert Adams is a photographer that has influenced and inspired me to look into the subject of Our intervention onto the land. Adams is truely inspired by the F.64 group and particually Ansel Adams which is notable in his landscapes through the use of forms in his images. I especially like image two I like that fact how different image this is and depicts the idea of human intervention on the land so easily and gives the viewer this idea of what where doing on our land building and re building homes and decreasing the idea of space.

Stephen Shore                                                                                                                               

Stephen Shore is an American Photographer he took his photographs whilst on a road trip. These two photographs are my favourite out of Shore'swork I like how different they are but both represent this idea of Human Intervention on the landscape. Photograph One gives this insight into a surreal moment it doesnt seem realistic. Shore has used an obvious way of represneting te theme by photographing people surrounding this lake at a National Park. However I really like photograph two  like how he has photographed a petrol station for this theme as it portrays this idea of the Western Worlds love for oil.

Joe Deal


Joe Deal was an American Photographer speacilising is depicting how the landscape was transformed by people. I feel that Photograph two portrays his speacilism perfectly this idea of human intervention on land. I feel this image portrays what you think of the deep American south and how they live in the middle of know where nothing for miles. Looking at the image in the 21st century gives the viewer and ifferent feeling than when it was created in the 1970s. The feel you recieve from this image is a ariel view due to the use of balck and white photography even though this was all what was available at the time.

Edward Burtynsky                                                                   


Edward Burtynsky is a Canadian Photographer who works with Large Format Photography. Burtynsky looks at the manufactued Landscape. He creates images that will go through the whole life cycle for example his process of oil he starts photographing from the rig Image one to the oil in pumps in petroleum stations. I am really fond of his way of creating photograhy and the way he represents landscape. I feel his work particually shows true human intervention on the landscape and how much land space we use up to produce oil.

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