Saturday, October 22, 2011

Environment Project Test Shoot Exposure Settings

These three images are from my first idea of looking at human intervention on the landscape. Image One's photographic settings are an Aperture of f.32 the film speed is ISO 100 and the shutter speed was 0.6th of a second. Even though I am incredibly found of photographic one I feel that it doesn't portray what I am trying to get across this idea of Human Intervention due to boating the effect it has on the water. 
Image three is the correct photographic settings I was looking for in order for the whole image to be correctly exposed I used an Aperture of f.13. 
Even though these photographs do not portray this idea of Human Intervention I have decided I am not going to peruse this area any further as i do not feel i will create amazing photographs under this theme. I have there fore branched out and decided to look at the theme of Abandonment of the landscape through various forms. Even though I may not pursue this area I still thought it was important for you to see my photographs and the development throughout my project.

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