Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Focal Length and Perspective Workshop

In this workshop we started off by looking at different photographers who use different forms of lenses. We started by getting over the idea of zooming in with the lens and instead physically moving yourself in order to create the same photograph.
Richard Misrach's photograph on the beach uses a larger depth of field and has used a large format camera to portray his response to the 9/11 bombing.
Simon Roberts is a photographer who was also raised in the lecture he is a photographer that has used a standard lens for the below photograph. Unlike Misrach's photograph where you feel like you are looking over the photograph you feel like you are present in Roberts image. 
In this workshop I was asked to create two photographs. Frame one was using a lens of 180mm and frame two was using a 240mm lens we were asked to create an image identical to one another but just using to different focal lengths. Below is a copy of the negative of frame one. 

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