Friday, May 18, 2012

Commission - Publication


As a group we decided that our chosen output would be through a newspaper. The reason we chose the output of a newspaper was to allow a larger demographic audience to understand the implications of consumerism. Through photography we could document current affairs that effect the public and the world at late. The newspaper allows the viewer to understand current issues of todays consumption and the growing effect it is having on society and the far reaching effects on the world. 
The waste in western society has increased over the years portraying a disposable culture relying on the latest trends. The boom in a selfish lifestyle had led to the decline of the high street leading to more individual shops closing, portraying a sense of poverty and decline of the western lifestyle. Consumerism has fulfilled our lives to the wide spread depth of celebrity culture and the fascination of gossip. However, society has started to understand the implications of a selfish lifestyle by becoming more sustainable by donating to second hand and antique stores. 

As a brief we were asked as a group to decide upon a layout that would fit within the context of our photography. The choices we chose from where  - The Guardian - Fanny Wacklin Nilsson " 50 Photos Dictionary" - Hussy 25 "Social Networking - Portraits of new social media". 

We decided that the 50 photos dictionary was the correct context for our Newspaper layout due to the fact that the photography dominated each page with limited writing the use of a small amount of writing made the newspaper a person experience, it allows the viewer to  understand the photography and the meaning of it to them.

50 Photos Dictionary Page layout

The reason we chose this newspaper as a guild line as we were fond of the relations hip
between the writing and the photography being limited unlike the structure of 'The Guardian'
The sequencing of our images was built upon creating a narrative through the life of 
consumerism. The idea of throwing away everything without a glimmer of thought.
We decided that we would select small parts of articles and use them a s quotes like a daily
piece of advice in changing the way we consume. As the target audience we will be aiming
at would rather view a photograph to understand the effects of consumerism rather than 
read a two page article relating to the same topic and ending with the same result

Information about our Newspaper 

Our newspaper is entitled Trash and Treasure to highlight what the context of the paper will be discussing, 
as a group we wanted a cool and catchy name as we originally planned for the Newspaper to be called 
The Trash and Treasure Times but changed due to it being a mouthful and not appealing to our demographic 
audience of eighteen to thirty year old's allowing the young to start understanding the effects of a 
financial recession and the impacts it has had  on society. 

My page Layout 

The above sketched page layout illustrates the inspiration from 50 photos dictionary in which my photography 
is the focal point of each page. However, I did put my own touch on my double page spread by adding a line of 
closed down high street stores running across the top of the page.

 Inspiration for Shops across page from 'LOOK' magazine 


After looking in 'LOOK' magazine I was inspired by the way they had organised
 their High Street section of the magazine they have organised high street stores along
top of the page which interacts the viewer with the magazine, this is something which I
would like to do. Using a long row of closed down stores will enable the viewer to
think and putting in perspective the failure of the high street.

Articles used

Article  sourced from the Telegraph Newspaper by James Hall, Consumer Affairs Editor

Article sourced from the Telegraph Newspaper written by  James Hall, Consumer Affairs Editor

Article sourced From the Daily Mail Newspaper 

Article  sourced from the Daily Mail Newspaper

Article sourced from the Daily Mail Newspaper

Graph sourced from the Daily Mail Newspaper

Article sourced  from  website

Article sourced on website 

Article sourced on

Article sourced from The Telegraph written by Philip Aldrick, Economics Editor

I researched into various articles from an a ray of sources to find the articles which explained and allows the
 audience to understand the implications the financial downturn had on the high street and spending. I 
researched into Fashion Guru Mary Queen of Shops as she is currently working alongside David Cameron
 to save and revive the iconic British High Street. I also included graphs to demonstrate high street spending 
and closure of stores over a certain time period to show what is happening to the UK High Street.

Working in a team 

As a group we sat down with our photos and articles we had researched and decided the order in which
 every ones work would be situated in the newspaper. We also decided upon the relevance of the articles
 and how much of each article to include. We also talked about how many pages each person wanted due 
to the newspaper having to be twenty four pages including first and final page. We therefore decided on the
 amount and included general pages in the newspaper after each persons final page which would link to the
 next persons work. The final page was of a advertisement linking to consumerism. Everyone after the meeting 
went away and started working upon their pages in which we sent them to Michelle who put all the  pages on
 one Adobe  In design document to complete the Newspaper. 

My Newspaper spread 

I decided to base my pages on the the disappearance of the high streets due to basing my waste 
photographs on this subject matter. The disappearance of the High street is a huge problem
something which is seen in the majority of high streets all over the country. I used a combination of 
graphs and illustrations to prove this subject matter and the importance of it to the economy. The use of 
the closed down stores running across each of my page shows the vast amount of closed down stores 
across the United Kingdom.

Our Newspaper

The above images are our newspaper pages. We decided to group together and create a 
Newspaper on all areas of consumerism. From the consumption of technology to the
 contents of charity stores. We wanted to document and portray in our imagery the worrying
 concern of consumption and the vast growth over the years. Our powerful photographs 
portray this and allows the public to open their eyes to this matter. The use of humorous 
 images allows the public to see what is happening. 

Presentation for Assessment 

The above written documents explain the thought and research behind our Newspaper.
 We decided to use a large demographic audience to allow more and more viewers to read
 our newspaper. Our paper reaches all areas of life through various different articles.The use
 of a clear structured layout allowed our photography to be the focal point of each page. The use of photography allows
viewer to understand the implications of consumerism. 

Self - Evaluation 

This project has allowed me to start understanding the publication process of a newspaper. A newspaper 
layout allows photography to be seen a a different way with the assistance of  articles to adapt on the
 explanation of what has been captured by the photographer. During this project I have learnt a lot on the 
Newspaper industry selection process and how to determine what is including in each page. I leant how to
 use Adobe's software In Design which I will be able to now go on and use in other areas of my studies. 
As a group I felt we worked well, we decided after our first meeting that we would all go away and do our
 own pages and then meet back up and decide if we are all happy with the layout of everyones pages and 
the content of it. This happened to work for us and the group was time managed well even though other 
major projects were running alongside this one. 

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