Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pinhole Project

Pinhole Camera

For the commission project I created one image based on the theme of waste using a pinhole camera that I had created using a shoe box. 

After looking at the waste of the high street I decided that I would photograph for this project signs of a letting agency in its environment. I found this empty abandoned letting agency with its signs on the floor I felt this would reciprocate the idea of waste. The use of the photograph being a landscape shot was because I want the viewer to gain an insight of the surrounding area of this abandoned letting agency.

Pinhole Negative 

This negative was captured using black and white printing paper I captured this photograph using the technical settings of f. 360 and a shutter speed of a 60th of a second which allowed me to expose the paper for two minutes which allowed me to achieve the above exposure.

Positive Prints 

The above four photographs are positive versions of my negative. I exposed image one for twelve seconds, image two for ten, image three for eight and then image four for six using the contact printer to do this as i wanted to gain the correct levels of contrast. My favourite image and the image I am going to submit as my final print is image number three as I feel that the contrast of the image is what I want to convey in my photograph.  However I do not like the ray of sunlight which hits the ground space in the image but this was something that was inevitable to not capture due to the location.

Final Print 

I am really satisfied with the outcome of this print and the focal range of the photograph and the quality of the whole photograph as a final piece. I feel that it could have been better if the sunlight wasn't positioned in the middle of the print but this was something that couldn't be changed on the day of shooting. 

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