Sunday, March 4, 2012

DVD Review

Week End created in 1967 is all about a trip to the countryside which turns into a muderous night mare created by an on going traffic jams. The two main charcters of the film Corinne and Roland Durand are two strange characters who present mental emotions whos lives surround around the emotion of money and violence something which is presented from the offset of the film. The above image is a still from the film and inparticular the traffic jam scene in which we the viewer are presented with the chaos and journey this film is going to take us on. This film does not show realsim in any sense it shows us a life style of the ad normal a way of life that shouldnt exist.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rebecca, thanks for your review. Short but sweet. At the moment, your piece reads like a stream of consciousness, rather than a considered assignment. For future reference, I’d suggest slowing down. Stream of consciousness writing is all well and good, I do it myself, but you then need to take the ideas you’ve explored and work them into a considered academic piece. This allows you to present your ideas in a structured and coherent way, which makes it much easier for the reader to address your ideas.
